OSGi Opens Up Their Membership

It is nice to see that the OSGi Alliance has announced a new free level of membership called Supporter.  Supporters get to participate in the requirements meetings and early access to the specifications.   Hopefully this will allow other organizations and individuals to show their support of OSGi.

2 thoughts on “OSGi Opens Up Their Membership

  1. Great!

    However, individuals still cannot join. Also, Supporters only have early access to Final specifications, not Draft ones, so there will be no opportunities to provide input, even informally. As for involvement in the requirements process, Supporters will be allowed to attend meetings but not vote. Bear in mind that non-members have always been permitted to submit requirements in the form of RFP documents, and in the past have been admitted to the requirements meetings as well.

    So this is a good first step, but I do I hope they go a little further.

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