This year it is going to be All Things IoT at EclipseCon Europe. There will be a wealth of content that focuses on the IoT industry and technology.  It is going to be a great learning experience for anyone interested in IoT.

The main highlight is 3 days of single track IoT content:

  1. Smart Home Day is scheduled for Sunday, October 22.  This will be the go to event for anyone interested in home automation and specifically openHAB and Eclipse SmartHome. Thanks for Deutsche Telekom for sponsoring this event.
  2. The Eclipse IoT Working Group will be hosting a face-2-face meeting on Monday, October 23. Each year this meeting is a highlight of the Eclipse IoT community. It is an opportunity for the community members and new members to gain a deep understanding of the current Eclipse IoT projects.
  3. Eclipse IoT Day is once again scheduled for Tuesday, October 23.  There will be 7 sessions on how Eclipse IoT technology is being used in industry. There will be speakers from Red Hat, Bosch, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Eurotech and others sharing their experience of using Eclipse IoT projects. Thanks to IncQueryLabs and Red Hat for sponsoring the Eclipse IoT Day.

In addition to these IoT specific events, there is also 15 IoT related sessions in the EclipseCon general program and the OSGi Community event. Companies like Huawei, German Aerospace Center, CEA, Renesas, Bosch and others will be presenting.

It is going to be All Things IoT at EclipseCon Europe. I hope you will join us and discover what the Eclipse community offers the IoT industry.

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