Eclipse at JavaOne

Eclipse is going to have a booth at JavaOne. I expect Sun to be pushing hard on NetBeans, so I want to make sure Eclipse has a strong showing. Right now we are planning to feature the new releases of each project. If anyone is going to JavaOne and wants to help ‘staff’ the booth, let me know. We will probably have 2 hours shifts, so if you want to show off Eclipse to other Java developers this is the place to be.

We also want to highlight all the Eclipse member companies exhibiting at JavaOne. A group of companies are thinking of doing a ‘passport’ game where the attendee goes to each company, gets a stamp and then wins a prize. T-shirts are the standard prizes but they are getting pretty boring. Any suggestion on what would be a cool giveaway?

6 thoughts on “Eclipse at JavaOne

  1. I suggest you run an RCP booth, or at least have a dedicated area for geeks that may not be looking for a new IDE. find some cool new eclipse apps like rss owl and demo them. it might be useful to have the java one crowd “get” the broader implications of eclipse. IBM would p-
    ossibly offer some resources to demo workplace as an exemplar?

  2. I like the idea of showing off RCP applications. The challenge is that we only have one demo station. Booth space at JavaOne is beastly expensive. Maybe what I can do is a collage of example RCP appplication screenshots?

  3. I don’t think just screenshots is going to be as effective as demoing full running apps.

    Instead of screenshots, why not have each application installed and running on the demo system and have someone demo each sample app as people come to the booth?

    As for volunteers for the booth:

    If you will have a total stranger help, I’m going to be attending JavaOne, and I can be available for a few hours. Contact me at pjcabrera at snapplatform dot org.

    I work at Interamerican University of Puerto Rico on the SNAP Platform open source project ( )

    SNAP Platform is an open source distribution of Java development tools, in an easy to install CD. It includes Eclipse 3.0.2 (planning to add 3.1 as soon as released), and Tomcat 5.5.9, running on SableVM open source JVM, GNU Classpath open source Java libraries, and open source Jikes Java compiler.

    (Yes, Eclipse and Tomcat already run on open source JVMs. I will gladly demo it for you if you are skeptical 🙂

    We also produce SNAPPIX, a live Linux distro on CD, with SNAP Platform pre-installed.

    I will happily demo Eclipse running on top of SableVM at the Eclipse booth, if you don’t mind.

  4. One IDE to rule them all,
    One IDE to find them,
    One IDE to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    Eclipse is “Lord of the ring”,so I suggest may make something about “Lord of the ring”.

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