Wrap-up of Eclipse Day at the Googleplex

Last Thursday, Google was the host of the third Eclipse Day at the Googleplex.  I look forward to this event each year and this year was another success.  Over 150 people attended the day long event that included 12 sessions related to Eclipse and Google technology.   The presentations are now available online.   There was lots of great information presented, like upcoming improvements to the Android SDK (based on Eclipse), Git support in Eclipse, a review of the Instantiations tools that Google just purchased and an introduction to the new Tools for Mobile Web project.
The event also included our first ever Eclipse Ignite session.  We had 9 speakers, each speaker had 5 minutes and 20 slides but the slides changed automatically every 15 seconds.  The speakers did a great job and lots of people really enjoyed the format.  Something to certainly try again.

A special thanks to the Google Open Source Program Office for their sponsorship of the event.  These face to face events are really important to building the Eclipse community, so it is great to have Google’s support to make this event possible.