SWT for Mobile Linux

Jalimo is an open source Java stack for Mobile Linux; their primary targets are Maemo and OpenMoko. It is interesting to see that they are using SWT for their UI component. Some screenshots can be found here.

I wonder if there is any overlap or synergy between eRCP and Jalimo?

7 thoughts on “SWT for Mobile Linux

  1. Well, with Android I don’t see the possibility to run the same gui code on my mobile, as well as on Windows and Linux Desktops.

    The next thing IMO, why Android does not make that all moot is, that Android will only be the one half of the mobile and embedded linux universe. The other half will stay GMAE based and still need a Java solution. It may even be, that Android will indirectly push Java on GMAE, because Java on Linux mobile becomes more visibility in general.

  2. At any rate, the mobile space has definitely livened up and it’ll be interesting to watch what happens.

    BTW, my phone doesn’t have a 1680×1050 display or a mouse so I’m not sure I want to run the same GUI code on desktop and mobile.

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