Eclipse Live

As many readers will know, I am a big fan of technical webinars. In fact, we are now on track to do at least 2 webinars a month.

Over time I would also like to develop a database of podcasts and screencams/flash demos covering the different Eclipse projects. Right now we have lots of content but it is pretty difficult to find it.

Therefore, we are planning to launch, hopefully in February, a new web portal, called Eclipse Live. It will replace the current webinars page but also allow us to expand into podcasts, flash demos, etc. The plan is to allow anyone from the community to submit links to or original Eclipse related multi-media content. In my dream world it becomes a mini-YouTube specifically for Eclipse technical content.

I hope to share a preview of the site in the next couple of weeks. For now, here is a mockup of the Eclipse Live home page.

Eclipse Live Home Page

4 thoughts on “Eclipse Live

  1. That sounds great! But wouldn’t it be a good idea to group all learning materials together, no matter what format? So that webinars, podcasts, technical articles, hints and tips etc. could all be found from a central location?

  2. Great idea, seems to be a ‘universal eclipse tech site’.
    Some feature could be: send mail to the subscribed members list, notifying about upcoming events they registered.

  3. I like the look of the upcoming site. I could imagine some visuals being fitted to the other Eclipse sites to modernize the look.

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