Sign the Eclipse Birthday Card

In addition to the Eclipse birthday parties, we are setting up an electronic birthday card and Eclipse Product Wall of Fame. I am hoping this will be a good way for individuals to show their support of Eclipse and to showcase all of the Eclipse based products and services.

We haven’t publically announce the birthday card but we are asking some individuals to add a greeting or product before we go public. This way we can get any bugs out of the system before too many people see it. So I thought my blog readers, all three of you, could help out by adding your own greeting to the card.

6 thoughts on “Sign the Eclipse Birthday Card

  1. 😛 One of us already has …

    By the way, are there going to be any icons/banners for the EclipseCon2007 conference? I’d like to link some to my blog and posts I’m encouraging to get people to submit talks …

  2. Well, if I type that URL for the image in my browser, it works fine. Perhaps blogger replace the letter x with some unicode…
    should be: 125×125.php

  3. Ah great! But I accidentally missed the idea of using the product logo (as all the others did) for the product card greetings. Ahh well, the cake looks good too 🙂

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