Open Source Census

Openlogic has launched a new initiative called ‘The Open Source Census‘.   Usage data for open source projects is difficult to obtain, so it is great to see OpenLogic take on this initiative.   I will be interested in seeing how it progresses.

There are two ways the Eclipse community can participate: 1) contribute your own ‘scan’ report to include what you use in the census, and 2) Eclipse projects can contribute and keep up to date ‘fingerprints‘ about their Eclipse project.  There are already some Eclipse project fingerprints included but it is certainly not a complete set.

2 thoughts on “Open Source Census

  1. Kim,

    Yes this is the same census. Sure it would be nice to have all the data open sourced but as I understand it, OpenLogic wants to recruit sponsors to help pay for the costs of running the census. I can’t really argue with that. I do think it is great they are making some reports freely available.

    Ummm, unfortunately the Eclipse Foundation resources aren’t to the level you might expect. We won’t be paying for a platinum sponsor.

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