One Million Installs of Eclipse Solutions

Last week we hit one million successful installs of Eclipse solutions from  Eclipse Marketplace Client. Unfortunately, it happened on the Friday of EclipseCon Europe so no one was able to capture a screenshot of the milestone. Luckily Nathan is pretty good with Photoshop.  🙂

We launched the Eclipse Marketplace Client (MPC) in June 2010, as part of the Helios release.  It took just over 16 months to hit 1,000,000.  For this period of time, it is interesting to look at the most popular solutions and the countries where the installs originated.

Rank Solution Count Rank Country Count
1 Subclipse 113717 1 United States 197385
2 Maven Integration for Eclipse 82914 2 Germany 109425
3 Subversive – SVN Team Provider 65014 3 France 54229
4 EGit – Git Team Provider 49867 4 China 49725
5 Spring IDE 46780 5 Brazil 42037
6 Eclipse Color Theme 38064 6 United Kingdom 34931
7 PyDev – Python IDE for Eclipse 37965 7 Korea, Republic of 31311
8 FindBugs Eclipse Plugin 35270 8 India 31155
9 Google Plugin for Eclipse 32642 9 Spain 29649
10 JBoss Tools (Helios) 31875 10 Japan 26155

There is also a very long tail occurring in the marketplace. We have 550 solutions that have at least one install. However, the top 10 solutions represent 60% of the install numbers and the top 20 represent 75%. One thing I would like to do in the future is give more exposure to the long tail.

We are also seeing a very steady increase in the usage of MPC. In October we had over 190,00 unique visitors using the MPC , over 180,000 unique visitors to the Marketplace web site and over 100,000 successful installs. The busiest month ever for all metrics!

Moving forward I want to have even more people to use MPC. It is simply a great way to discover and install Eclipse solutions. I’d like to encourage more solution provides to use our drag to install icon on their web site. It makes it even easier to use MPC for installing a solution from the vendor web site.

For instance, try installing bndtools or Acceleo in a running Indigo workspace.


Thank you to everyone that has made Marketplace and MPC a great success. Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions to make Marketplace even better.

2 thoughts on “One Million Installs of Eclipse Solutions

  1. Congratulations on 1 Mio Market Place installs. I’d like it even more if I would be able to select multiple apps at once and install.

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