Welcome to CloudBees and Jaspersoft

In the last week I am very pleased to announce CloudBees and Jaspersoft have both joined as a member of the Eclipse Foundation and both released new solutions for Eclipse developers.  For some people, it might be a surprise to have these companies join the Eclipse Foundation since they are both associated with open source projects that compete with Eclipse projects.  CloudBees is an active adopter of Jenkins and employs Kohsuke, the founder of Hudson and now the main developer on Jenkins. If you haven’t been following, Hudson is now an Eclipse project. Jaspersoft sponsors the Jaspersoft open source business intelligence project which competes with Eclipse BIRT.

We pride ourselves as being a vendor-neutral community, so that means welcoming all companies, even some that might compete with our own Eclipse projects.   Both CloudBees and Jaspersoft are making available useful solutions for the entire Eclipse community.  If you want to use Jaspersoft for your BI needs then having Jaspersoft Studio integrated with Eclipse is only goodness for the community.  Similarly if you want to use CloudBees Platform as a Service for Java applications or take Java apps to the cloud, then having their CloudBees Toolkit for Eclipse will make that experience so much easier.

Congratulations and welcome to both companies to the Eclipse community!

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