The Importance of Big Data and Eclipse

Stephen O’Grady of Redmonk has written extensively on the rising importance of data, especially large amounts of data, in the IT industry.   Stephen is usually right about these types of trends so I have started to look how this might impact the Eclipse community.

Predictably, we are seeing some early vendors making it easier for developers, especially Eclipse developers, to integrate big data analytics into their applications.   For instance, Aster Data has just announced an Eclipse plug-in that is an integrated visual development environment for building MapReduce and SQL-based analytic applications.  btw, it is also nice to see that Aster Data has recently become a member of the Eclipse Foundation.

This InfoWorld article ‘Databases primed for social networks‘ also led me to Neo4j database which has the Neoclipse Eclipse plugin for visualizing social networks within Eclipse.

Time and time again, developers lead the acceptance new technology.   Tools that make it easier for developers to embrace large amounts of data will surely make Stephen’s predictions come true.