Lots of Logo Designs to Choose From

Wow, we have received over 200 concepts for a new Eclipse logo.  Some I really like, some are just ugly.  🙂   Now we need to start narrowing the choices so we can make a decision.

We are going to do two rounds of community voting to determine if it makes sense to update the existing logo.   The first step is creating a list of 10 concepts for the first round of voting.     The list of 10 will be narrowed by community vote to a list of 3 for the second round.  The second community vote will determine a potential selection.  Each round we will automatically include the existing Eclipse logo.

I want to be clear that changing the logo is a big deal.  It will be a big deal for the community and the actual implementation alone is a big effort.   Therefore, the EMO (ie. the Eclipse Foundation) will make the final decision on changing the logo.

Now we need your help to determine the list of 10 concepts.   If you have an opinion, take a look at the Gallery and then please nominate 3-5 concepts you like best on this bug.   Please remember, we aren’t looking for a brand new logo, we want something that is an update/modernized look on the original logo.  The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 3pmET.

btw, when you are looking at the Gallery, you can enlarge each concept by clicking on the magnify glass.

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