Upcoming Webinars featuring Eclipse RCP and AJAX Toolkit Framework

We have three new webinars scheduled over the next couple of weeks.

  1. Coming up this week on Tuesday November 21, Building a Great GUI using Eclipse RCP features two Eclipse Platform committers: Kevin McGuire and Boris Bokowksi. Go here to register.
  2. On December 14, another RCP webinar titled ‘Packaging and Deploying Applications based on Eclipse RCP‘. Go here to register. Both these webinars are part of the RCP webinar series that is being sponsored by Palamida, Instantiations and IBM.
  3. Finally, we will be featuring a webinar on the new Eclipse AJAX Toolkit Framework (ATF) on November 30. I saw a demo of ATF back in September and it looks like a very cool project. More details to register can be found here.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming Webinars featuring Eclipse RCP and AJAX Toolkit Framework

  1. Ian,

    PDE == Plug-in Development Environment, not Packaging Development Environment.

    The wording in the Dec 14 webinar should be corrected.


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